Best Metal-/Rock Covers in the www

Two answers in this topic
a member
Hi everybody,

first i like to say "Thanks" to scotscub for starting this community in GR. There are not so many gays that like Rock or Metal music, so this community is a really good possibility to meet them, and talk about there gay-unusual music style. Thanks scotscub, you've done a really good job!

Like every other community it's very importend not only to read - as a member you have to write to keep a communiy alive. Although my english is a desaster i try to do it now (sorry, i'm only a dump german gay!)

When i search the www for new, good metal bands, i often find very, very good covers of metal songs, i will introduce here for you. If you know some covers as well, put them right under this tread, o.k.?

See you,

a member
Hi everybody,

here is a drum cover from a cute 8-jear-old boy, who is really a perfect drummer. Look at his face, while he is drumming, and you can see, he''s loving it. Never thought, that such a young boy would be interested in such a kind of metal songs - surprise! (...and NO! I''m not a pedophile!!! ).
a member
Every time i'm whatching this vid i ask myself: Why the f*** i did't learn to play a instrument?